Increase iPad battery life

The iPad battery can last for up to 10 hours, but you can increase this a bit. Drag the brightness slider (under Settings, Brightness) as low as you can stand, also turn off both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (under Settings), also you can also not play and videos or music plus avoid gaming apps!

iPad – Wi-Fi Signal

If you want the most reliable Wi-Fi signal for streaming videos from sites such as, use a router that supports 802.11a.  It does not have the best range but does not conflict with the 802.11g signal used by microwave ovens, baby monitors, and other wireless devices etc.

iPad – Download Podcasts

You can search for and subscribe to podcasts so they are downloaded automatically to your iPad. Go to iTunes, then click Podcasts at the bottom of the screen. Search for the one you want, select it, then select Free next to what you want. PLEASE Note: to subscribe to podcasts, you need to use a PC

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